Our Commitments

Raleigh City Farm was founded as a place where all members of our diverse community could learn about farming.

We believe in growing the next generation of farmers by connecting our community to sustainable agriculture. By this, we mean our entire community. We recognize the transformative power of cultivating the soil to promote the health and well-being of both the individual and our community. And we believe in building our community from the ground up.

We commit to do our part to listen, learn, and be a part of the solution.

We commit to warmly welcoming all to the Farm.

We commit to being inclusive of everyone in the Triangle community and beyond.

We commit to stewarding the site through sustainable, regenerative means.

We commit to providing healthy food to our community and our non-profit partners who are addressing food access and insecurity.

We commit to providing a beautiful space for gathering, sharing, and learning.

And we commit to cultivating each other as we seek to build a more equitable and just future for all.

To learn more about how you can support greater diversity and equity in farm ownership, check out these organizations:

Food Literacy Center

National Black Farmers Association

Black Farmers & Urban Gardeners