Meet Our New Farmstand Coordinator: Monet Bush!


My name is Monet Bush. I’m ecstatic to serve as the new Farmstand Coordinator at Raleigh City Farm. Today I’m guest blogging to share a little about the space Raleigh City Farm holds in my heart.

A few years ago, I branded for the 5th and 6th annual Raleigh City Farm Harvest Dinners. Attending each dinner and seeing the community come together and show up for regenerative agriculture in such an impactful way blew my mind. In one night, I saw our community raise $28k for the Raleigh City Farm (RCF) mission, putting their dollars towards more life, regenerative farming, and food right in our back yards. Coming from my grandfather’s whopping 3-acre vegetable farm and moving into the city made me think it was impossible to farm and connect until you had your own land. RCF proved me wrong. In those moments and up until now, life for me has continuously shifted. I went from branding 80% of my waking hours to 50% of life outdoors/living and branding converting about 20% of my waking hours. A life saving (literally) balance!


When I saw the opportunity to work with RCF with my hands versus solely the computer, I made sure to run, not walk! I feel that connecting with our food is vital to optimal well-being. Knowing the source and being able to shake the hands of those who participated in what goes on to your table is *chefs kiss.* I come from 3 generations of horticulturists - and while we save for land of our own and farm on our small patio, Raleigh City Farm has opened its doors and allowed me to bring my coordinating skills while I learn from all the hands that take care of Raleigh City Farm.

When I’m not on the farm, you can find me:

  • cooking something creative

  • tending to our patio garden

  • foraging with my 2-year-old son and husband

  • hanging around the Farmer's Market

  • camping w/ all the bells and whistles

  • branding for our wellness-focused clients at Earth and Olive

There’s nothing special to report here - except like many of you, community + commitment to farm-fresh food (no matter where you live) is a focal point in our homes. That commonality is what keeps RCF spinning. I’m honored to have a hand in turning that wheel with each and every one of you. 
